Jay Wade Counselling

I provide individual, couples, and family counselling, as well as group facilitation. I am committed to a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practice, collaboratively working with clients to unfold sessions with dignity, attention, care, and sensitivity.

I offer sessions in person, online, and outdoors. My office is located on the lands of the Cowichan Tribes / Quw'utsun Nation, also known as Duncan, British Columbia.


It has been a humbling and rewarding journey practicing as a counsellor. Throughout my years of work, a common thread has been my deep interest in awareness, complexity, connection, and relationships — with oneself, others, and the natural world.

I hold a Certificate in Counselling and I am currently completing a Master of Counselling Psychology degree at City University in Victoria, BC. I am also a Certified Sexual Health Educator, Somatic Coach, and nearly twenty years of experience working with youth and adults as a Counsellor, Youth & Family Worker, and Educator.

I am a settler of Italian, Irish, and English ancestry and grew up in the Great Lakes region on Treaty 19 lands.

Focus & Approach

I hold a deep appreciation for ceremony, the wisdom of our bodies, and our interconnectedness with the natural world. These values inform my work with community members, guiding my commitment to providing compassionate, somatic, strengths-based counselling and upholding the dignity of each person I support.

I acknowledge that counselling can perpetuate colonial practices, and that without awareness and critical analysis, these can undermine the process of helping those who seek support. I am committed to an ongoing process of personal and professional reflection and accountability, education and supervision, and advocating for systemic change within the fields of counselling and psychology.

Areas of FocusInterests & Approach
RelationshipsStress & AnxietySomatic
ConflictAngerSocial Justice
CommunicationFamily dynamicsFamily Systems
MasculinityPeer relationshipsStrength-based
Grief, Death, LossLife transitionsClient-centred
TraumaIdentity explorationNature-based


I value the learning and connection that arise from collective experiences, and I find enjoyment in facilitating transformative processes for groups.

I have led and continue to lead programs for youth and adults exploring topics such as:
Embodied Consent
Masculinity & Gender
Conflict & Communication
Trauma Healing
Grief, Death & Dying
Education, Classroom & Facilitation Skills
Support for Parents/Caregivers of Teenagers
Sustainable Living
Nature Connection

Please be in touch if you or your organization are interested in hosting a workshop or series.

Current Facilitation Offerings:

Projects & Offerings

The following are projects, initiatives, and offerings I am involved in:


Counselling Rates:
50-minute session:  $80 — $140 (sliding scale)
15-minute initial consultation:  no charge

Facilitation Rates:
Based on individual consultation - please contact me here.

Sliding Scale Pricing

Understanding Sliding Scales / Tiered Pricing

The descriptions of the tiers below are not hard lines, as you may discover you identify with some of the explanations from more than one tier. The tiers exist simply as guidance to help you figure out how much to pay for counselling services. The tiers are based on the honour system, so check in with yourself about what feels within your means. Of course, please adjust your payment rate as your income changes over time.I offer these tiered rates to help support access to counselling, as I cannot take payment through insurance and personal health benefits at this time. Not everyone has access to these services, nor do we all have access to financial resources in the same way.Tiered fees are adjusted depending on an individual's income. They prioritize fairness, equity and accessibility by allowing those facing income inequality to still access counselling services. Participants with a higher income are encouraged to pay at Tier 1, while those earning average income should consider Tier 2. Modest to low-income earners are offered rates between Tier 3 to 5, which are subsidized by those paying a higher fee.My hope is that these tiers allow those who want access to counselling to be able to, while I can afford to cover my overhead costs (e.g., office rental, insurance, etc.) and sustain myself through the services I provide. I am open to feedback on this approach and any questions, curiosities, or concerns you may have.

Tier 1: $140 (Pay it Forward Rate)I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs.
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit the attainment of basic needs.
I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property.
I own or lease a car.
I am employed, my business is successful, or I do not need to work to meet my needs.
I have regular access to health care.
I have access to financial savings.
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off.

Tier 2 ($1800) Sustaining RateI may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them.
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit the attainment of basic needs.
I own or lease a car.
I rent a place that feels safe and comfortable.
I am employed.
I have access to healthcare.
I have some expendable income.
I am able to buy some new items and thrift others.
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden.

Tier 3 ($1200) Actual RateI frequently stress about meeting basic needs.
I have debt, and it often prohibits me from meeting my basic needs.
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing.
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but cannot always afford fuel or repairs.
I am unemployed or underemployed.
I qualify for government benefits, such as disability, social assistance (welfare), or am on a limited pension.
I live paycheck to paycheck.
I rarely buy new items because I cannot afford them.
I cannot afford to take time off without financial burden.

Tier 4 ($700) Partial Scholarship RateI often stress about meeting my basic needs, and meeting them requires careful budgeting.
I may have debt that limits some financial choices but does not entirely prevent me from accessing basic needs.
I rent a modest property or live in subsidized housing.
I do not own a car and rely on public transportation or ride-sharing, but transportation costs may strain my budget.
I am employed part-time, seasonally, or in a job with inconsistent income.
I have minimal expendable income and prioritize essentials over non-essentials.
I thrift most items and rarely purchase new ones.
Vacations or time off are rare and require significant financial planning.

Tier 5 ($0 / pay what you can) Full Scholarship RateI am unable to meet my basic needs.
I rent unstable housing, such as an SRO, live in my car, or am currently unhoused.
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but cannot afford fuel or repairs.
I often experience hunger due to a lack of access to food.
I am permanently unemployed or underemployed due to a disability or chronic condition.
I qualify for government benefits, such as disability, social assistance (welfare), or am on a limited pension.
I have no access to savings.
I cannot purchase new items because I cannot afford them.

* The above tiered tuition has been adapted directly from Kendra Coupland's
"Understanding Sliding Scales and Tiered Pricing"

Survivor's Healing Retreat

Understanding Our Tiered Pricing*

Tiered tuition fees for the Survivor's Healing Retreat are adjusted depending on an individual's income. They prioritize fairness, equity and accessibility by allowing participants facing income inequality to participate equally.Participants with a higher income are encouraged to pay at Tier 1, while those earning average income Tier 2. Modest to low-income earners are offered subsidized rates between Tier 3 to 5.This allows everyone to have access to the healing space while ensuring we can afford site-rental and sustain ourselves through the services we provide.The descriptions of the tiers below are not hardlines. In fact, you may discover you meet the descriptions in more than one tier. The tiers exist as a guideline to help you figure out how much to pay for tuition. The tiers are based on the honour system, so check in with yourself about what feels within your means.

Tier 1 ($2100) Pay it Forward RateI am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs.
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit the attainment of basic needs.
I own my home or property OR I rent a higher-end property.
I own or lease a car.
I am employed, my business is successful, or I do not need to work to meet my needs.
I have regular access to health care.
I have access to financial savings.
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off.

Tier 2 ($1800) Sustaining RateI may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them.
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit the attainment of basic needs.
I own or lease a car.
I rent a place that feels safe and comfortable.
I am employed.
I have access to healthcare.
I have some expendable income.
I am able to buy some new items and thrift others.
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden.

Tier 3 ($1200) Actual RateI frequently stress about meeting basic needs.
I have debt, and it often prohibits me from meeting my basic needs.
I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing.
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but cannot always afford fuel or repairs.
I am unemployed or underemployed.
I qualify for government benefits, such as disability, social assistance (welfare), or am on a limited pension.
I live paycheck to paycheck.
I rarely buy new items because I cannot afford them.
I cannot afford to take time off without financial burden.

Tier 4 ($700) Partial Scholarship RateI often stress about meeting my basic needs, and meeting them requires careful budgeting.
I may have debt that limits some financial choices but does not entirely prevent me from accessing basic needs.
I rent a modest property or live in subsidized housing.
I do not own a car and rely on public transportation or ride-sharing, but transportation costs may strain my budget.
I am employed part-time, seasonally, or in a job with inconsistent income.
I have minimal expendable income and prioritize essentials over non-essentials.
I thrift most items and rarely purchase new ones.
Vacations or time off are rare and require significant financial planning.

Tier 5 ($0 / pay what you can) Full Scholarship RateI am unable to meet my basic needs.
I rent unstable housing, such as an SRO, live in my car, or am currently unhoused.
I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but cannot afford fuel or repairs.
I often experience hunger due to a lack of access to food.
I am permanently unemployed or underemployed due to a disability or chronic condition.
I qualify for government benefits, such as disability, social assistance (welfare), or am on a limited pension.
I have no access to savings.
I cannot purchase new items because I cannot afford them.

* The above tiered tuition has been adapted directly from Kendra Coupland's
"Understanding Sliding Scales and Tiered Pricing"


I welcome you to be in touch for more information or to book a free 15-minute consultation.

Please text 236-705-5755 or fill out the form below.

I look forward to speaking with you!